The poet Dante is lost in a dark and gloomy wood. At the summit of a mountain he sees the light of salvation. He endeavors to ascend to it, but his way is barred by three wild beasts, symbolizing Avarice, Pride and Lust. Beatrice sees his predicament and descends from Paradise into Limbo, where she asks the poet Virgil to rescue and guide Dante. Virgil knows another way to go, ...
10.0约翰尼·梅辛纳,史蒂文·西格尔,DMX,比尔·考布斯,扎克·沃德,兰迪·查奇,切斯特拉什 ·拉什,西恩·凯南,萨克斯·沙比诺,尤利亚·克拉斯,根·加里托,帕特里克·基尔帕特里克,堪萨丝·宝琳,维多利亚·德马尔,马德琳·韦德,科迪·蕾尼·卡梅伦,Michael LaRue Simpson Jr.,Devin Reeve,Mitchell L. Johnson