8.0 其它 · 2014 · 暂无 · 喜剧片
A team of four aliens escape their exploding home world only to crash land into a move-in ready home in suburban America. They are evenly split on whether Earth is awful or awesome. Korvo (Justin Roiland) and Yumyulack (Sean Giambrone) only see the pollution, crass consumerism, and human frailty while Terry (Thomas Middleditch) and Jesse (Mary Mack) love humans and all their TV, junk food and fun stuff. Their mission: protect the Pupa, a living super computer that will one day evolve into its true form, consume them and terraform the Earth.
5.0 普通话 · 2013 · 内地 · 剧情片
吉永圭一(佐藤浩市 饰)是一名建筑设计师,早年间,他和妻子纯子(户田菜穗 饰)离了婚,儿子小翼(杉田雷麟 饰)交由妻子抚养。一天,圭一意外的接到了纯子打来的电话,纯子告诉圭一,小翼因为杀害了同学而遭到了警方的逮捕。震惊的圭一立刻联系律师赶到了警署,可是无论面对自己的亲人还是警方,小翼始终都不愿意开口说一句话。更让圭一想不到的是,小翼杀害的同学的父亲,是曾对小翼有恩的人。 小翼的沉默很可能导致这场案件面临空开审理的状况,为了保护孩子的隐私,圭一找到了同为人母的律师神崎京子(天海佑希 饰),希望京子能够撬开小翼的嘴。